Category: Blog

In a shocking display of incompetence, millions of computers around the world simultaneously became unusable, all thanks to a bug that led to the dreaded “Blue Screen of Death.” CrowdStrike, a US cybersecurity company based in Texas, offers ransomware, malware, and internet security products primarily to businesses and large organizations. But on Friday, July 19,

This is the fourth post in a four-part series from the article: Embracing AI First Software Quality Platforms: Transforming the Future of Software Testing Download the full eGuide here. Introduction Implementing an AI First testing platform requires a strategic approach that balances automation, human oversight, and continuous learning. By carefully dividing tasks between human engineers

This is the third post in a four-part series from the article: Embracing AI First Software Quality Platforms: Transforming the Future of Software Testing Download the full eGuide here. Introduction The promise of AI in software testing is substantial, but realizing its full potential requires more than just implementing new technology. Organizations need to set

This is the second post in a four-part series from the eGuide: Embracing AI First Software Quality Platforms: Transforming the Future of Software Testing Download the full eGuide here. Introduction The landscape of software quality assurance is undergoing a seismic shift with the advent of AI First Software Quality Platforms. Just as predictive maintenance has

First post of a four-part series. Download the full eGuide here. Introduction For the first time in decades, we are at a technical inflection point for the discipline of software quality assurance. Beyond the application of AI and generative AI for the creation and maintenance of functional tests, AI First Software Quality Platforms will radically

Introduction Security testing is a pivotal process in identifying vulnerabilities and safeguarding applications from potential threats. This blog post delves into security testing best practices, explores common vulnerabilities, and provides tutorials on using OWASP ZAP for effective security testing. Understanding Security Testing Security testing is a process designed to uncover vulnerabilities in an application, ensuring

Performance testing is an essential aspect of software development, ensuring that applications perform well under expected workloads. With the increasing complexity of modern applications, it’s crucial to utilize effective tools and methodologies to simulate various user behaviors and measure system performance under load. One standout platform in this arena is Appvance IQ (AIQ), known for

Software testing has always been a critical component in ensuring the quality and reliability of applications. Traditional testing environments, often constrained by physical resources and infrastructure, are increasingly being outpaced by the demands of modern development cycles. Enter cloud-based testing—a transformative approach that leverages the power of cloud computing to enhance scalability, cost-efficiency, and flexibility.

DevOps practices have emerged as a solution to streamline and accelerate the development lifecycle, bridging the gap between development and operations. At the heart of successful DevOps implementation is continuous testing, a practice that ensures every code change is automatically tested to maintain quality throughout the development process. Let’s delve into how continuous testing fits

In the dynamic realm of software development, ensuring high-quality products is paramount. Traditional testing methodologies, where testing is primarily performed towards the end of the development cycle, often lead to the discovery of critical bugs late in the process. This can result in prolonged timelines, increased costs, and compromised product quality. Enter the shift-left testing

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