Tag: autonomous testing

In the ever-evolving landscape of software development, the demand for rapid, efficient, and reliable testing processes has become paramount. As traditional methods struggle to keep pace with the dynamic nature of modern applications, autonomous testing has emerged as a beacon of hope. But navigating the realm of autonomous testing requires careful consideration, especially when selecting

In the fast-evolving realm of technology, software testing is no longer a mere quality assurance process but a dynamic and multifaceted discipline that incorporates AI and autonomous systems. These technologies are increasingly revolutionizing the way we approach software quality. Let’s delve into the implications and future possibilities of AI and autonomous systems in testing and

Ask yourself “what would I do differently if my test team were one thousand people strong and all as good as my very best automation engineer?” That is the team you are about to lead. Software testing has entered a new era with the arrival of GenAI. But, GenAI’s manifold benefits only come after properly

For the better part of 20 years, the e-commerce QA test industry has known that every one-second delay in response, they can lose up to half the page audience. Not because the user bought somewhere else, but because they became distracted. Today’s distractions are probably much higher than they were when those original studies were


The advances in AI and ML now make it possible to create expert systems that know both how applications are designed and how they behave. These systems can absorb the domain-specific instructions that enable them to replicate the behaviors of experienced QA testers with years of application-specific knowledge. With the capacity to deploy artificial intelligence

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